What is Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)?

ARMD affects the macula, a tiny area at the centre of your retina responsible for detailed central vision important for tasks such as reading and recognizing faces. There are two types of ARMD: dry and wet (1)


Dry ARMD is characterized by the appearance of yellow deposits known as drusen located at the back of the eye known as drusen located at the back of the eye and sometimes followed by a gradual thinning of the eye and loss of function
Drusen formation and build-up over time can damage the retina and photoreceptors in the macula and may lead to permanent centre vision- a very slow process that can years to become apparent.
Although 90% of all ARMD cases are the dry cases, people with dry ARMD are at increase fore developing wet ARMD as dry ARMD can transform into wet ARMD at any time.



Wet ARMD involves the spontaneous growth of new, abnormal blood vessels under the retina. These vessels are fragile and leak blood into the surrounding tissues resulting in rapid reduction of central vision, which can lead to severe vision loss if not treated properly.
Several treatment options are now available that can help manage wet ARMD. Different therapies can help block or eliminate the growth of abnormal vessels, which may limit further vision damage.

How is ARMD Clinically Managed?

We dilate the eyes to monitor the macula and routine OCTscans are performed to develop a baseline of your macular. If the doctor sees any clinical changes or the OCT scan indicates change, a further investigation of your eyes will necessary. Extra testing such as Flourescein Angiography may be required.

What Can I do?

While there is no cure for ARMD, as it's painless and can be difficult to detect, especially if it's only in one eye. It is important to take vitamin eye supplements in relation to the Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARED'S 2) Also to monitor your eyes with an Amsler grid as least once a week. The amsler grid is at home tool, that you can monitor to detect any early changes in your vision.

Normal Amsler Grid

How do I use an Amsler grid?

Wear your corrective reading lenses.
Cover one eye at a time
Stare at the centre dot - do not let your eye drift from the centre dot.
If the lines are wavy, bent or missing you should contact your health care provider.

Abnormal Amsler Grid

Here is example of a wavy lines on an Amsler grid in a macular degeneration patient.

Sources: (1) Bausch + Lomb Canada